
UPTIME will seek to reframe predictive maintenance strategy by proposing a unified framework and to create an associated unified information system in alignment to the aforementioned framework. Therefore, UPTIME will extend and unify new digital, e-maintenance services and tools in order to exploit the full potential of a predictive maintenance strategy with the UPTIME solution, will deploy and validate the UPTIME solution in the manufacturing companies participating in the UPTIME consortium and will diffuse the UPTIME solution in the manufacturing community.

UPTIME will enable manufacturing companies having installed sensors to fully exploit the availability of huge amounts of data with respect to the implementation of a predictive maintenance strategy. Moreover, production, quality and logistics operations driven by predictive maintenance will benefit from UPTIME.

UPTIME will enable manufacturing companies to reach Gartner's level 4 of data analytics maturity (optimized decision-making) in order to improve physically-based models and to synchronise maintenance with quality management, production planning and logistics options. In this way, it will optimize in-service efficiency through reduced failure rates and downtime due to repair, unplanned plant/production system outages and extension of component life.

Moreover, it will contribute to increased accident mitigation capability since it will be able to avoid crucial breakdown with significant consequences. Consequently, UPTIME will exploit the full potential of predictive maintenance management and its interactions with other industrial operations by investigating a unified methodology and by implementing a unified information system addressing the predictive maintenance strategy.

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Contribution of R&I projects to standardisation
Contribution of project to standardisation
Standardisation via International Standardisation Organisations (ISO, IEC, ITU-T)
  • ISO TC 184 SC4 and  SC5 on industrial data, ISO/IEC JTC1 on Information Technology, ISO TC 184 IEC TC 65 JWG 21 on Smart Manufacturing  Reference Model - in link with RAMI 4.0
  • IOF, Industry Ontologies Foundry, ontologies for Industry particularly the working group on maintenance ontologies
  • In contact with MIMOSA e.g. for ISO 18101 for Oil and Gas Interoperability
Standardisation via other Standards Developing Organisations (SDO) (eg. W3C, IEEE, ASTM, etc..)

UPTIME is planning with other 5 FoF projects in ForeSee Cluster on common activities towards SDOs to be more efficient in the standardisation activities.

Attached files (1)
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UPTIME Project Overview.pdf PDF
More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://www.uptime-h2020.eu/
Start date: 01-09-2017
End date: 28-02-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 6 248 367,00 Euro - 4 847 836,00 Euro
Twitter: @uptimeH2020
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Original description

UPTIME will seek to reframe predictive maintenance strategy by proposing a unified framework and to create an associated unified information system in alignment to the aforementioned framework. Therefore, UPTIME will extend and unify new digital, e-maintenance services and tools in order to exploit the full potential of a predictive maintenance strategy with the UPTIME solution, will deploy and validate the UPTIME solution in the manufacturing companies participating in the UPTIME consortium and will diffuse the UPTIME solution in the manufacturing community.
UPTIME will enable manufacturing companies having installed sensors to fully exploit the availability of huge amounts of data with respect to the implementation of a predictive maintenance strategy. Moreover, production, quality and logistics operations driven by predictive maintenance will benefit from UPTIME. UPTIME will enable manufacturing companies to reach Gartner’s level 4 of data analytics maturity (“optimized decision-making”) in order to improve physically-based models and to synchronise maintenance with quality management, production planning and logistics options. In this way, it will optimize in-service efficiency through reduced failure rates and downtime due to repair, unplanned plant/production system outages and extension of component life. Moreover, it will contribute to increased accident mitigation capability since it will be able to avoid crucial breakdown with significant consequences.
Consequently, UPTIME will exploit the full potential of predictive maintenance management and its interactions with other industrial operations by investigating a unified methodology and by implementing a unified information system addressing the predictive maintenance strategy.



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Contribution of R&I projects to standardisation
Contribution of project to standardisation
Standardisation via International Standardisation Organisations (ISO, IEC, ITU-T)
  • ISO TC 184 SC4 and  SC5 on industrial data, ISO/IEC JTC1 on Information Technology, ISO TC 184 IEC TC 65 JWG 21 on Smart Manufacturing  Reference Model - in link with RAMI 4.0
  • IOF, Industry Ontologies Foundry, ontologies for Industry particularly the working group on maintenance ontologies
  • In contact with MIMOSA e.g. for ISO 18101 for Oil and Gas Interoperability
Standardisation via other Standards Developing Organisations (SDO) (eg. W3C, IEEE, ASTM, etc..)

UPTIME is planning with other 5 FoF projects in ForeSee Cluster on common activities towards SDOs to be more efficient in the standardisation activities.

Standards, technical committees and working groups

The standardisation goal in UPTIME is to simplify the integration of the components in the the UPTIME Platform and to make easier the integration of the UPTIME Platform in new industrial environments.

Below list of some relevant standards to UPTIME:

  • IEC 62541 (OPC-UA) and ISO/IEC 20922 (MQTT) for  Modular Edge Data Collection & Diagnosis   - also JSON, XML, MSGPACK, I2C, SPI
  • IEEE 802.15.4 for low rate personal area networks
  • ISO 13374, MIMOSA OSA-CBM and OSA - EAI for Mapping, Extraction and Analysis of Legacy DB, Configurable Diagnosis, Configurable Prognosis, Prescriptive Analytics for Proactive Decision Making
  • IEC 60812 FMEA and FMECA for Maintenance Actions Parametrization and Management interface
  • EN 13306 for common maintenance terminology
  • ISO 17359 for condition monitoring and diagnostics on machine
  • ISO 13373 for vibration monitoring, ISO 18435, ISO 10303, ISO 15926 for interoperability
  • ISO 14224 for maintenance data in oil and gas
Standards according to SDOs
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE 802.15.4-2020 - IEEE Standard for Low-Rate Wireless Networks

Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture (OPC-UA) is considered for UPTIME platform and for modular edge data collection and diagnosis of UPTIME_SENSE component.