Change2Twin | Create and Harvest Offerings to support Manufacturing SMEs to become Digital Twin Champions


The main ambition of Change2Twin is to ensure that 100% of manufacturing companies in Europe have access to 100% of technologies needed to deploy a digital twin.

Change2Twin will adopt the best practices developed so far in I4MS, focus on local support provided by DIHs, keeping FSTP grants as accessible as possible. The main ambition of Change2Twin is to ensure that 100% of manufacturing companies in Europe have access to 100% of technologies needed to deploy a digital twin.

Specifically, we will focus on three sub-objectives:

  • Developing and providing a truly end-to-end service to the manufacturing SMEs where the end user receives from its local, trusted party (e.g. a DIH) a thorough analysis of the digitalization potential and a cross-border, multi-stakeholder (involving both components providers and an integrator), and ready-to-use recipe for implementation.
  • Providing an architecture-agnostic technology marketplace with dedicated knowledge models supporting the entity preparing the recipe for a complete solution in selecting the best components and most suitable providers.
  • Taking one step back to see the bigger picture and to find the minimal interoperable model facilitating modularity, composability and interchangeability of components used, regardless of the individual architectures or frameworks.

Change2Twin will deliver:

  • A new benchmarked service model facilitating DIHs in providing support to manufacturing companies
  • A Pan-European marketplace populated with the state-of-the-art service providers that create coverage for end-to-end Digital Twinning solutions
  • A growing network of DIHs that have adopted the service model and marketplace based on a sustainable business model
  • An open, widely available toolbox for establishing a new marketplace consisting of software and body of knowledge gathered during the project
  • 4 Pilots proving the concept and 2 Open Calls for application experiments with a selection and support programme
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More information & hyperlinks
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Start date: 01-06-2020
End date: 30-11-2024
Total budget - Public funding: 8 960 414,00 Euro - 7 998 718,00 Euro
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Cordis data

Original description

The main ambition of Change2Twin is to ensure that 100% of manufacturing companies in Europe have access to 100% of technologies needed to deploy a digital twin.

Change2Twin will adopt the best practices developed so far in I4Ms – focus on local support provided by DIHs, keeping FSTP grants as accessible as posThe main ambition of Change2Twin is to ensure that 100% of manufacturing companies in Europe have access to 100% of technologies needed to deploy a digital twin. Specifically, we will focus on three sub-objectives: 
- Developing and providing a truly end-to-end service to the manufacturing SMEs where the end user receives from its local, trusted party (e.g. a DIH) a thorough analysis of the digitalization potential and a cross-border, multi-stakeholder (involving both components providers and an integrator), and ready-to-use recipe for implementation. 
- Providing an architecture-agnostic technology marketplace with dedicated knowledge models supporting the entity preparing the recipe for a complete solution in selecting the best components and most suitable providers. 
- Taking one step back to see the bigger picture and to find the minimal interoperable model facilitating modularity, composability and interchangeability of components used, regardless of the individual architectures or frameworks. 

Change2Twin will deliver:
- A new benchmarked service model facilitating DIHs in providing support to manufacturing companies 
- A Pan-European marketplace populated with the state-of-the-art service providers that create coverage for end-to-end Digital Twinning solutions
- A growing network of DIHs that have adopted the service model and marketplace based on a sustainable business model
- An open, widely available toolbox for establishing a new marketplace consisting of software and body of knowledge gathered during the project 
- 4 Pilots proving the concept and 2 Open Calls for application experiments with a selection and support programme 



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STAND4EU Domains
Smart Manufacturing (STAND4EU)
Standards, technical committees and working groups
Standards according to SDOs
ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
ISO/TC 184 Automation systems and integration
ISO/TC 184/SC 4 Industrial data
ISO 10303 series - Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange

Particularly used: ISO 10303-209, ISO 10303-242, ISO 10303-11, ISO 10303-21

ISO 10303-209:2014 Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 209: Application protocol: Multidisciplinary analysis and design
ISO 10303-242:2020 Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 242: Application protocol: Managed model-based 3D engineering
Report - Video - Presentation - Publication....?
Open Research Data Pilot