2023 | ICT Standardisation Observatory and Support Facility in Europe

Summary 2023’s principal goal is to create a European Standardisation Ecosystem, by: a) launching & managing a robust and efficient facility with € 3,000,000 funding earmarked over 36 months & 10 Open Calls, the Fellowship Programme; b) empowering contributions from ICT standardisation experts letting their voices be heard, also in the Standardisation Observatory; c) pursuing the training of next generation of ICT standardisation experts, engaging with National Standards Associations & PPPs; d) ensuring hi-level steering of 2023 by means of an authoritative Expert Group (the EAG) who tap directly into the WGs & TCs of SDOs, tackling EU priorities, challenges & gaps; e) Creating an engaging & influential Foresight Committee (the EUOS-FC) to keep momentum in policy discussions, in-synch with the MSP. 2023 builds on the success of the 2018-19 initiative, moving from the existing 700+ community, the grants platform & processes, the standards watch. Moreover, 2023 is proposed by a lean Consortium, coordinated by the same organisation leading the precursory initiative –Trust-IT Srl (IT), an SME with over 15 years’ experience of managing complex EC-funded projects in ICT– including 2 experienced partners: Dublin City University (IE), a major player in SDO WGs & TCs and in educating future ICT Standards experts, & Australo Interinnov Marketing Lab SL (ES), an SME specialised in stakeholder engagement, with their agile methodology approach. All Consortium Partners bring to the project their impressive international network in ICT standardisation.
Principal outputs: The Fellowship Programme, with 10 Open Calls, 1000+ proposals received, 400+ funded Experts & 50+ External Evaluators; 5,000+ significant ICT Standards uploaded in the Observatory; 10 Webinars, 10 Workshops, 2 Standards Assemblies, 2 ICT Standards Impact Reports, a truly engaged, multi-stakeholder ICT Standardisation Community, well representing SMEs and Academia.
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Start date: 01-09-2020
End date: 31-08-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 4 000 000,00 Euro - 4 000 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description 2023’s principal goal is to create a European Standardisation Ecosystem, by: a) launching & managing a robust and efficient facility with € 3,000,000 funding earmarked over 36 months & 10 Open Calls, the Fellowship Programme; b) empowering contributions from ICT standardisation experts letting their voices be heard, also in the Standardisation Observatory; c) pursuing the training of next generation of ICT standardisation experts, engaging with National Standards Associations & PPPs; d) ensuring hi-level steering of 2023 by means of an authoritative Expert Group (the EAG) who tap directly into the WGs & TCs of SDOs, tackling EU priorities, challenges & gaps; e) Creating an engaging & influential Foresight Committee (the EUOS-FC) to keep momentum in policy discussions, in-synch with the MSP. 2023 builds on the success of the 2018-19 initiative, moving from the existing 700+ community, the grants platform & processes, the standards watch. Moreover, 2023 is proposed by a lean Consortium, coordinated by the same organisation leading the precursory initiative –Trust-IT Srl (IT), an SME with over 15 years’ experience of managing complex EC-funded projects in ICT– including 2 experienced partners: Dublin City University (IE), a major player in SDO WGs & TCs and in educating future ICT Standards experts, & Australo Interinnov Marketing Lab SL (ES), an SME specialised in stakeholder engagement, with their agile methodology approach. All Consortium Partners bring to the project their impressive international network in ICT standardisation.
Principal outputs: The Fellowship Programme, with 10 Open Calls, 1000+ proposals received, 400+ funded Experts & 50+ External Evaluators; 5,000+ significant ICT Standards uploaded in the Observatory; 10 Webinars, 10 Workshops, 2 Standards Assemblies, 2 ICT Standards Impact Reports, a truly engaged, multi-stakeholder ICT Standardisation Community, well representing SMEs and Academia.



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