CEN-CENELEC Guide: The role of standards in support of Technology Transfer (2022)



1 Why this Guide?
2 To whom is this Guide addressed?
3 Standards and Innovation
3.1 How do standards help innovation?
3.2 The role of standards throughout the Innovation process
4 What can CEN and CENELEC and their members offer to the innovator?
4.1 The standardization landscape
4.2 Contacting the CEN and CENELEC members
4.3 Concrete paths to take advantage of standardization
4.4 The Workshop Agreement (CWA)
5 Intellectual Property Rights and standardization – how do they co-exist?
5.1 Intellectual property – quid?
5.2 Patents and standards
5.3 Standards Essential Patents (SEPs)
5.4 Licenses and standards
5.5 Copyright and standards
5.6 Standard relevant publications
5.7 Open source
5.8 Standardization documents vs open access to publications





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