Bottlenecks and recommendations
Contribution of R&I projects to standardisation
Standards, technical committees and working groups
STAND4EU Domains
People & organisations
Bottlenecks and recommendations
Recommendation(s) for SDO/SSOs (target group)
Bottleneck Group: Support and Education Deficiencies
Bottleneck Group: Support and Education Deficiencies
BOTTL_02 - Poor transferability, low support, and missing education propositions
REC_02.1.01 - Prepare relevant explanatory events
REC_02.1.02 - Review existing explanations or provide detail explanations regarding terms of participation in standardisation activities
REC_02.1.03 - Provide clear information about related contacts able to clarify terms of participation and contribution or other relevant questions
REC_02.1.04 - Implement a "step-by-step" approach towards adopting a standard in a new type of technology to save resources at an early stage of adoption
REC_02.1.05 - Proactively inform new members about internal regulations and guidelines providing relevant links on the platform to support them in developing a standard
REC_02.1.06 - Provide helpful tools and explanations on how to navigate the standards system to access the standard
REC_02.1.07 - Foster collaborative partnerships between companies, research projects, academia, and SDOs/SSOs to collectively address challenges, share resources, and streamline standardisation efforts
REC_02.1.08 - Establish a feedback mechanism to continuously gather input from stakeholders on their experiences with standardisation processes, allowing for ongoing improvements and optimizations
BOTTL_05 - Poor adoption and practicality of standards
REC_05.2.01 - Involve companies interested in adopting a standard early into standardisation process to ensure their concerns and requirements are addressed
REC_05.2.02 - Support the standard development process with provision of testbeds for technical developments
REC_05.2.03 - Use supportive (digital) tools to collect quick feedback from industry on the practicality of the standard to speed up their adoption
REC_05.2.04 - Facilitate multilingual support and resources to overcome language barriers in the adoption of standards
REC_05.2.05 - Establish and communicate transparent, rigorous testing and validation procedures to build industry trust in new technologies
REC_05.2.06 - Develop pilot programs and case studies demonstrating the reliability and benefits of new technologies
BOTTL_07 - Inadequate training and support programs
REC_07.1.01 - More structured, targeted training and support e.g. depending on sector-specific requirements, according to specific research project groups, etc.
REC_07.1.02 - Update existing improve existing training programs and provide more tailored training, some examples are the ASTM Centre of Excellence and CEN or training, the Digital Europe Programme / Innovation Hubs and other initiatives
REC_07.1.03 - Create a central platform/access point/catalogue (e.g. the STAND4EU portal) as the central means to provide information on existing training that is visible to all stakeholders
REC_07.1.04 - Collect the requirements from different stakeholders about missing training propositions repeatedly